I must have fallen asleep while sitting around the table, because when I opened my eyes, the trains looked bigger and I looked smaller. I was actually on the table. I must be dreaming, I thought.
This was great. I saw the trees and little houses I had put up, and they looked so real. Looking up I noticed the sky and clouds, not the ceiling in my room. Instead of a ceiling light, there was the sun.
“Whoo whoo”.
Suddenly I noticed something creeping behind the trees. Was it a dog, a big dog? No it was a wolf. I had never seen a real wolf, except in books, but I knew that’s what it was. I passed him and noticed his red eyes, his hair that stood up on his back, his lips pulled back and his big teeth all shiny. Suddenly he leaped from behind the bushes and started to run toward the train and me.
As I jumped down, the wolf jumped all the way into the engine room and followed me.
I ran as fast as I could, but that old wolf was close behind me. I could hear him breathing almost. He still had that grin on his old ugly face. I ran around big boulders. I ran up hills and down hills, but that old wolf was still right behind me.
Suddenly up ahead I noticed something new. It looked liked a Lion. What would a Lion be doing out here? Was he going to join the wolf in attacking me? The Lion was standing still, looking not at me but at the wolf.
The wolf seemed to notice the Lion too, and he slowed down. I soon ran around the Lion, but he didn’t look at me, he was still looking at the wolf.
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